A childs hands arranged a small banana leaf bowl adorned with bright orange flowers and a centerpiece tea light candle. We were adrift in a small wooden boat on the Ganges River. Her tiny voice instructed me as we lit the wick, then I sat in quiet reflection for a moment, thinking of loved ones […]
What kind of holy animal lies in it’s own shit? Rats wont even do that.
I woke up this morning on a train crossing the Ganges Valley in India. The day was already hot when I moved from the air-conditioned coach to the open doorway, but the movement of the train kept it fresh. I stood watching kids playing in the fields, waving to us as we passed, a hot […]
The Nepalese Royal family has been evicted from their palace as a result of the Maoists winning a democratically held election. They’ve also been slapped with an overdue one million dollar utility bill. How embarrassing; you’d expect the palace manager could have better kept up on the royal expenses.
This morning I watched the sun rise over the Taj Mahal. I sat on its smooth marble steps and marveled in it’s cool interior. They say it’s the greatest building ever built for love. Probably true. But if I were a Maharaja (in those times), I would have put a swimming pool in the center, […]