![Jay Wright](http://elephantcloud.net/wp-content/uploads/userphoto/jay-wright.jpg)
Pssst. Hey, are you awake? Yeah. Turn on your camera. I want to know what time it is. She reaches for her camera and turns it on. We have no watches, no clocks. Every room in the hotel displays a completely unrelated time from the other rooms. Even the computers in the cafe are only […]
Photographically speaking, this place is explosive. The colors are brilliant, the chaos is charged, the absurdity is invigorating. But what I see, sense, and feel is not yet captured by the lens, not to my liking. We shoot all morning, walking the streets, surrounded by assertive people full of hope to a commission for unwanted […]
Bangkok and its curry welcomed me back for the third time. Like an old friend, we dined on fresh fish, caught an excellent soccer game, drank some beer, and wandered together on a timeless morning. It was a quick, eighteen hour affair, an easy transition back into Asian culture, a soft step to prepare for […]
By the way, the Maoists won. The Maoists beat the Marxist-Leninists in a democratically held election. That’s great. We have no idea where we’re going, but we have onward tickets to prove we’re leaving. Most countries require that. We wont take it personally.
Today, Nepal held a historic election. Jimmy Carter headed up some sort of committee to oversee it’s success. The British tossed in fourteen million dollars and the world over sent delegates and goodwill. I haven’t done all my homework, but there seems to be a monarch, a Maoist fugitive rebel revolutionary, and everything inbetween. There […]