The Elephant Cloud


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Back in the Classroom

November 23rd, 2009 by · 1 Comment · Africa, Tanzania

in schoolI have always been an impatient, fidgety student with daydreams unconducive to the classroom, yet here I sit, in the classroom. Swahili holds greetings in high esteem and as we sit in the children’s chairs in this one room schoolroom, our teacher, Mwana, fires greeting after greeting at us so we fluidly respond and return the courtesies, again and again, with dynamic aplomb as my elementary notebook floods with ink.

kiswahiliOur class is held at the university by the market and we can practice pleasantries and placing orders at lunch and every question introduces a whole new chapter in grammar. How many noun classes do there need to be? And what the hell is a noun class anyway? As a reprieve, I take out my PADI dive book and work on the first three chapters, preparing for the following days quiz. Non stop learning, shouldn’t I be on vacation?

m                               During our free time we navigate the local market. I am fascinated by its color and energy, most specifically the meats and fish. It’s rather disgusting, but I want to get as close as possible without stepping in the blood or accidentally brushing up against the discarded goat heads or entrails. I want to ask a million questions, but for now, our greetings and wide-eyed awe are enough to break the ice and pull us further in. We are forever students, as it should be.

One Comment

  • November 29th, 2009 by Karly

    mmmm……. the pine apples look good…. did you try any? what about those squides? well I miss you….and love you>> hi J

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