In order to do anything in Africa, you have to take full control. Then, as you’re just about to take full control you are boldly reminded that this is Africa. You have no control. I had an assignment from the States to follow up on two hospital patients and document their progress in photographs. Jinsse […]
elephantiasis, Ethiopia, third world medicine, volunteer, video
It’s official. The Elephant Cloud won Morocco Blogs competition for The Best Morocco Blog of 2010 in the category of Travel. Thank you to everyone who voted and especially to Amy Haggstrom and Younes Mell, two of Moroccos finest.
We climbed ten thousand feet in less than forty eight hours, camping twice along the way. Five minutes before sunrise, Darlene and I gained the summit and Marco joined us as the sun rose over Mount Kilimanjaro in the distance. We were the first to summit that day just ahead of a massive group of […]
My grandmothers house was immaculate and full of treats, but not too many, just always the right amount. The lawn was always mowed and we tore divots playing outdoors on summer afternoons. There were bedrooms for me and my sister and beds made up snug and tight without so much as a wrinkle. She kept […]