On May 10th, the twelfth anniversary of Jon Kraukauer’s Everest summit, we found ourselves in the airport heading to Lukla and the trek to Everest’s south side. Just before boarding we grabbed a copy of the book. Nine days later, visiting the lodges and familiar with the trails the books expeditions took, we marched into […]
I first intended to go to India a few years ago, but instead fell hard for a remarkable woman and cut my trip short. But it wasn’t meant to be and two strong personalitie soon found themselves frustrating one another. One year later I was again dreaming of India. In the Khumbu Himalaya of Nepal, prayer flags, […]
Yaks perform only above ten thousand feet; the cows below sixty five hundred. They cross bred them to fill in the gap and the mixed breed works inbetween. How is it I’m expected to function at all these elevations? I’m not even from around here. Acclimitization days we hike packless, generally climbing 1200 feet or […]
Compared to India, Kathmandu is almost a cheat. Crossing the street is almost easy. There are a couple stop lights, the occasional sidewalk, and not a single sign of livestock. Thats not to say you couldn’t get yourself killed, but with no cow patties to hop, no hagglers to dodge, and temperatures back in the […]
Somewhere between doctor and nurse is a term for Darlene’s job that doesn’t seem to exist in other countries. Physicians Assistant? Never heard of it. Nurse? Blasphemous! Doctor? Hmmmm. You’re a doctor? Well, now that you mention it… Every one seems to have a little something that’s bothering them, but no, they haven’t been to the doctor […]