Somewhere between doctor and nurse is a term for Darlene’s job that doesn’t seem to exist in other countries.
Darlene was called into service today. Our guides older brother punched out someone while gallantly defending the honor of his clients, a mother and daughter pair. Or so the story goes.

Physicians Assistant? Never heard of it.
Nurse? Blasphemous!
Doctor? Hmmmm.
You’re a doctor? Well, now that you mention it… Every one seems to have a little something that’s bothering them, but no, they haven’t been to the doctor and maybe you could just take a look at it?

However it played out, the guy had a serious wrist injury. I could tell by the jolt and grimmace whenever she poked it; “does this hurt?” Yes, it obviously hurts.

I’ve never seen Darlene work before, but today she was a star. Operating with dull shears, a razor blade, a bucket of water, and cast plaster, she had all she needed to sink into her element, a buzz of activity, questions, and care.
A line formed mid operation and a second wrist was examined and prescribed a simple, “if doing that hurts, then don’t do it.” Plus a couple aspirin.
When all was done, she had rendered an impressive removable cast to one happy customer. We were later invited to their home, his mother gave cooking lessons and we dined on the best food we’ve had yet.